Challenging behaviours - including aggressive, disruptive, and socially inappropriate behaviours - are highly prevalent, especially among children with disabilities (both diagnosed and suspected). These behaviours can disrupt all area's of both the children and families lives, including activities at home, in the community, and in school. The impact of these behaviours on family life can be overwhelming. Typically, families completely adjust their schedules and routines to compensate for the disruption that derives from these behaviours. All aspects of a family's life may be negatively impacted by a child's behaviour problems, from day-to-day activities, to parental relationships.
We understand that not all children and adolescents who present with challenging behaviour may be either formally diagnosed with, or suspected of having a disability. The behaviour of some young people may be a by-product of another life event or situation that has unfortunately had an adverse affect on them. This could be things like grief, poor parent mental health, grooming, or bullying. No matter what the catalyst, we understand the frustration it can cause, and the debilitating effect this can have on parents, caregivers, teachers, and any other adult involved in the their life.

All children and adolescents can display behaviours that challenge in situations where their social, emotional or physical needs are unmet. Especially as young people are not fully emotionally developed yet and can find it difficult to express challenging or complex emotions, which leads to negative types of behaviours.
Some children with disabilities might show challenging behaviours due to changes in their routines, stressors at school, or because they’re simply experiencing emotions or sensory stimulation that they don’t know how to cope with. Hence, they require additional support from family members or caregivers to navigate their feelings and experiences.
Who is this workshop for?
Does a young person in your care display any of the following behaviours?
Regularly refusing boundaries and routines, including not wanting to respond to reasonable requests​
Being argumentative with parents or siblings​
Disrespectful towards others in the family ​
Fluctuations in emotions and being moody​
Hurting other people ​
Excessive anger when they don't get their own way​
Self-injurious behaviour ​
Being impulsive and taking physical risks​
Blaming others for their behaviour​
Bullying or being unkind towards others​
Aggressive/violent behaviour ​
Inappropriate sexualized behaviour ​
Drug taking/drinking/smoking​
Behaviour directed at property (such as throwing objects and stealing)​​
If you recognise any of these challenging behaviours in your child, or adolescent then you should attend this workshop.

How can this workshop help support parents and caregivers with challenging behaviour?
The first, and most important way this workshop can support parents and caregivers, is giving them a safe, supportive and non-judgmental space to realize you are not alone!! We understand that the parent guilt hits hard (even if you the challenging behaviour is an effect of something out of your control!), and raising a young person really does take a village - we want to be part of the village for you!
Over the course of the workshop we will look at the different types of challenging behaviour, how you can talk to your young person about their behaviour, different strategies to try out, and of course be on hand for the professional signposting and advice.